If you continually struggle with your smile because of missing, broken or rotting teeth, implants can end that struggle. The dental implant process is actually a surgical procedure where doctors anchor the implants in your jaw. The implants themselves are constructed from titanium, which is a metal that fuses into your jawbone and poses no threat to your body.
Restore Your Confidence
The beauty of dental implants is they look and feel like real teeth, and they are specifically designed for your jawbone making them permanent. Not only does your teeth look like the pearly whites you have always wanted, but your speech actually improves with dental implants. Aside from saving your smile, implants restore that self-esteem you have been missing for so long.
Dental Implant Success Rates
For the most part, implants are successful about 98 percent of the time. However, several factors could affect the success of the implants, such as the placement of the implants in the jawbone and the proper care of your teeth using traditional oral hygiene techniques. If you employ proper oral hygiene on a daily basis, dental implants last a lifetime.
Are Dental Implants Right for you?
If you are missing teeth or your teeth are broken or misplaced, then you qualify for dental implants. However, your health plays a role in your decision to pursue implants. If you are in poor health and suffer from ailments such as diabetes or cancer, then you are not a good candidate.
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